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Membership Structure

There are six classes of members within the club:

  1. Foundation Members
  2. Boat Owner Members
  3. Social Members
  4. Partner Members
  5. Life Members
  6. Honorary Members


Foundation Members

These members are the signatories of the foundation document dated twenty ninth of March 1970. These are the members who were foundation members of the unincorporated association known as the Myall Lakes Yacht Club and Myall Boating Club.


Boat Owner Members

A member who is the owner or part owner of a yacht or boat registered with the Club and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club provided that upon such member ceasing to be the owner or part owner of such yacht or boat he or she will automatically become a social member.


Social Member

A member who is not an owner or part owner of a yacht or boat registered with the Club and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club except for the eligibility to hold a “Flag Officer” position.


Partner Member

A member who is the partner of a Boat Owner Member or Social Member and reside with the Boat Owner Member or Social Member as a family partner. The Partner Member shall enjoy the same rights as the Boat Owner Member or Social Member to whom he or she is attached but will enjoy a reduced annual subscription as set down by the Committee of Management.


Life Member

A member or former member, regardless of ownership or part ownership of a yacht or boat registered with the Club who, because of long standing contribution to the Club or the unincorporated association known as the Myall Lakes Yacht Club or Myall Boating Club, is considered by the Committee of Management to be eligible for the bestowal of Life Membership. Such membership shall be recommended to the Committee of Management and approval sought at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. Life Membership will be immediately granted upon consensus being indicated by the majority attending such Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. A Life Member shall enjoy all of the privileges of a Boat Owner Member or Social Member but shall be relieved of the obligation to pay annual subscriptions.


Honorary Member

The Committee of Management in its discretion may confer Honorary Membership on any person in respect of whom it sees fit so to do either on a temporary or permanent basis. An Honorary Member shall not hold any office in the Club or vote at any meeting of the Club nor hold any interest in the funds or property of the Club.

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